Dewitt Avenue Roadway Realignment

DEENSCORP was contracted by County to provide professional civil engineering services to eliminate the “S-Curve” portion of the roadway.  DeWitt Avenue roadway segment from Spring Road to Origilia Lane was known as one of the most unsafe County’s rural roadways in Santa Clara County unincorporated area. Due to its existing vertical and horizontal alignments that did not meet the AASHTO design standards, this portion of the roadway posed a dangerous driving condition to roadway users. The project elements included roadway realignment and widening, extensive roadway excavation and embankment, ROW acquisition, and installation of new bicycle facilities. Additionally, DEENSCORP assisted with post-construction support and permit processing. The project objective was to alleviate the curve hazards, and provide a smooth transition for this portion of roadway. The final project delivery addressed the safety concerns of the neighborhood and the public, and resulted in a satisfied client.

Client: Santa Clara County Roads and Airports

Location: Morgan Hill, CA


City of Fremont Traffic Signal Projects


FEMA Storm Damaged Road Restoration Program